Wednesday 27 April 2011

Homeopathic Medicine Can Help Improve Fertility

Homeopathy is widely used all over the world and it is spreading very fast because it is very economical, safe and most of all very effective. Homeopathic medicine is very effective in treating men and women’s reproductive problems because it stimulates the body's own ability to heal itself rather than inhibit or suppress the body’s attempt to become well.

What is Homeopathic Medicine?

Many people believe that homeopathic medicine is all about herbs, vitamins and diet, but they are far from the truth. Homeopathic medicine is a separate and complete healing system which supports health, prevents and treats diseases all at the same time. A healthy life style, including the supplementation of minerals and vitamins is encouraged by homeopathic practitioners, but what homeopathy is all about is its highly diluted homeopathic remedies that elicit a healing response by stimulating the body’s own healing abilities.

In the early nineteenth century German physician Samuel Hahnemann discovered the law of Similars based on the principle of "like cures like." Hahnemann called his discovery Homeopathy. In ancient Greek, the word Homeo means similar and Pathos means suffering. This means that when a natural substance is administered to a healthy person in a crude dose, produces symptoms similar to the condition for which it is meant to treat.

Homeopathic medicine can help couples achieve pregnancy when the causes of the infertility are not known (unexplained fertility) because homeopathy stimulates the healing force within the body to heal itself. When couples seek advice from a homeopathic practitioner, they men and the women are treated constitutionally and a remedy selection is made based on their unique characteristics. The first homeopathic interview lasts for at least 2 hours and the person is asked questions about their likes and dislikes, how the weather changes affect their state of health and what makes their symptoms better or worse.

If it is the woman suffering from infertility, homeopathy can help regulate the menstrual cycle, treat endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome. If the cause of infertility is due to a mental or emotional aspect of the woman’s life, like a stressful career or relationship, past abuse, shock, and guilt, homeopathic medicine can help restore balance at the mental and emotional state, allowing for healing to occur at the physical level.

When the male partner is the one suffering from infertility with symptoms of low sperm count, abnormal sperm morphology, erectile dysfunction and varicocele, homeopathic medicine can assist restore strength by increasing sexual vitality. In these cases, homeopathy works best if a healthy diet I followed especially when coffee is reduced and alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking is given up.

What are Homeopathic Remedies?

Remedies are derived from a variety of natural sources including animals, plants and minerals and are prepared in licensed laboratories under strict quality control. Homeopathic preparations are very sensitive to direct sun light, electromagnetic devices, strong odors like camphor, menthol, mothballs, or perfumes, high and low temperature and should be handled with care.

They are dispensed as small pillules, soft tablets, globules or liquid. The potency commonly used is 6C or 30C. Higher potencies should be taken under the advice of a homeopathic practitioner. During acute illnesses, homeopathic medicines can be taken quite often like every 20 minutes. As symptoms improve, the interval of administration increases to every hour, until great amelioration is noticed and the homeopathic medicine is taken 3 times a day until the person is better. In homeopathy, when symptoms improve, there is no need to repeat the dose. During a chronic illness, the homeopathic remedy is administered once a day or once a week for a couple of months until complete restoration of health is achieved.

How to Find a Homeopathic Practitioner

Homeopathic medicine is a regulated profession in many countries and many homeopathic practitioners have completed medical undergraduate studies. In countries when homeopathy is not regulated, homeopathic practitioner usually join a professional association whose role is to make sure high standards of homeopathic medicine are followed by its members. If selecting a homeopathic practitioner to help restore fertility, it is important to make sure that a homeopathic professional is selected; someone who has had basic training in homeopathic medicine with at least 2 years of experience and that belongs to a homeopathic professional association of Classical homeopathy. Many naturopathic physicians practice homeopathy, but not all naturopathic schools teach classical homeopathy.

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