Friday 10 June 2011

Homeopathy for Infertility

Almost every couple who has spent some significant time in a marriage knows the next step forward is getting a baby in the house. Getting pregnant completes a woman and also embarks the journey of a loving family. However, getting pregnant is not that easy as it sounds, there are many couples who face a lot of complications in starting a family. One of the most common complaints that medical professionals come across is infertility. Infertility is a condition in which the reproductive system fails to produce new offspring. Infertility affects more than 7 million couples across the US and this condition is suffered by males and females both.

Getting pregnant is a complicated process which is achieved when the man has a healthy production of sperm. Healthy eggs are produced by the woman's ovary and the sperm reaches the egg to fertilize it. If the process takes place without any hindrance and the process of a fertilized egg to get implanted into a woman's uterus is successful, the woman conceives. If a couple has been engaged in physical contact for over a year without using any protection and are still not getting pregnant, it's time to have an appointment with a doctor.


Homeopathy is an effective treatment in which doctors help treating the patient's disorders with the help of minerals and herbs obtained from nature. This treatment helps by removing any emotional or physical blocks to fertility. The treatment helps the body to get proper control over its hormones, regulate menstrual cycle, improve ovulation in women and overall sperm count in men.

Homeopathic Treatment for Infertility

In many cases, infertility is not that bad as it looks. However, it does affect a significant percent of couples and causes much stress and emotional trauma in the relationship. Contrary to the popular belief, it's not just women who suffer from infertility, even men are infertile in many cases. For a healthy conception, its necessary that a man and women both have optimum health. However, sometimes due to various circumstances a couple cannot conceive and even treatments do not render any help. In such drastic cases many health professionals have encouraged couples to opt for homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathic medicine has been very helpful in treating various fertility cases. In many instances, homeopathic medicines have been very helpful in getting couples pregnant even if there were some physical problems. Homeopathic medicines work by reconditioning the female organs such as uterus, embryos, ovaries and the fallopian tubes. There are no guarantees that this treatment works, but it has showed success in more than 80% of the cases. If a couple is planning to get pregnant, then homeopathic medicines can help the body reach a stage of wellness and encourage hormonal balance in the body. They are very helpful in painful menses, pre-menstrual syndrome, policystic ovarian syndrome, irregular or delayed menses and luteal phase defect. If the male partner is suffering from infertility because low sperm count or erectile dysfunction, homeopathic treatments can help increase sperm count and overall energy in the body.

Here's a list of homeopathic medicines which can prove very helpful for female infertility and help in the elimination of underlying causes.

    * Sepia 6c: It's very helpful in the release of healthy eggs from the ovary in the females. In males, Sepia 6c helps to enhance the libido levels which increases fertility.
    * Sabina 6c: This homeopathic medication is very helpful for women who have suffered from several miscarriages in the past. It helps the reproductive system build a healthy comfortable environment for the fetus.
    * Silica: It's a compound made of silicon and oxygen and is very helpful for women with weakened immune systems. Silica helps by restoring the lost strength and boosting the overall immune system function and fertility.
    * Lycopodium: It's a very effective remedy for women who suffer from lower abdomen tenderness and a dry vagina. In men it helps in treating various types of erection issues mainly which have originated due to a underlying cause.

Homeopathic medications in general do not cause any side effects and are considered a safe treatment option for pregnancy. However, people opting for this treatment are advised to consult their doctor first to make sure that the woman and the fetus face no problems in the future.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Homeopathic, Natural and Not-So-Natural Teething Remedies

Many parents know all to well the signs of teething in their baby but many feel powerless to help their child's teething problems. However, there is a range of teething remedies for all stages of your baby's teething. Knowing the remedy available and how and when to apply it is the key.

Homeopathic teething remedies are a great way to ease the discomfort of baby teething. Homeopathic remedies have been used for many years and can be highly effective, but you should only use a homeopathic teething remedy in conjunction with expert advice and guidance.

Apis mellifica is used to ease swollen gums before and after the eruption of teeth. Apis mellifica means 'whole honeybee' and was first discovered by the Rev. Brauns, in Thuringia, Germany, in 1853.

Calcarea carbonica: Some babies are late to teeth and the experience can be very distressing for late developers. Babies who need this remedy are usually chubby, slow to learn to crawl or walk and their heads often sweat during naps or sleep at night.

Essential oil of cloves has long been known as a natural local anesthetic. You administer the clove oil by adding one drop in one or two tablespoons of organic sunflower oil.

Kreosotum: This remedy can ease a child's stress when she has irritating saliva and severe discomfort during teething. Kreosotum is very beneficial if a baby's teeth succumb to decay soon after erupting from the gums.

Pulsatilla: especially good for teething babies who are clingy, nervous or tearful.

Sulphur: good if your baby has a reddish irritation or rash on the chin or diaper area during teething episodes. Diarrhea (often whitish) is not caused irectly by teething but because of stress from teething. The baby is irritable and anxious, feeling worse from being warm.

Other Natural Homeopathic teething remedies include a stick of licorice and chamomilla. As stated above, any parent contemplating using a homeopathic remedy for teething should do so only in conjunction with expert medical advice.

Natural teething remedies are becoming more popular as many parents want to avoid the use of any drugs or medicines on their baby. Many natural teething remedies have been around for thousands of years; there effectiveness depends on the child.

Bread, in various forms has been used for thousand of years, more recently the bagel has been used by parents in both Europe and America; the bagel being the right consistency - as is doesn't break apart too easily - and it's also a very easy shape for young child to grab hold of. Teething biscuits are also very popular. In the recent past many parents began to avoid buying teething biscuits as the biscuits often contained large amounts of sugar, salt and other ingredient not good for babies. But, things have changed and many manufacturers make teething biscuits free of these bad ingredients.

Vegetables are also commonly used to ease the pain of baby teething. Vegetables such as carrots and cucumbers make ideal soothers because of their texture - you can also put them in the fridge beforehand, as the coolness will also numb teeth and gums.

Some of the more dubious natural teething remedies include the wearing of coral as a necklace. The ancient Egyptians recorded this practice. Also amber necklaces have, and are still used, as natural teething remedies, as are silver spoons.

For those parents who don't care whether a teething remedy is natural or not the following can be tried.

The first recorded use of teething rings has been found on Sumerian sandstone tablets, around 3000 years ago. Perhaps teething rings could be considered natural but many were made of plastic using diisononyl phthalate - a chemical which can be cancer causing. The chemical is used as a softening agent during the manufacturing process and most teething toys contain about 10 to 20 percent phthalate. Many manufacturers have now stopped using this chemical but not all!

Other no-so-natural teething remedies include teething gels. Many teething gels contain a mild analgesic that act as a painkiller and also contain mild antiseptics that kill a variety of bacteria and fungi that might infect sore or broken skin in the mouth. Experts caution against the excessive use of teething gels as they contain benzocaine. There is a risk of allergic reaction. In addition, benzocaine can cause numbing of the throat and could lead to choking. Consult your doctor if you want to help relieve your child's pain with benzocaine.

Teething tablets are designed to melt quickly in the child's mouth and, in so doing, help alleviate the pain of teething. The active ingredients are usually Chamomilla (see homeopathic remedies above), which helps reduce irritability, and Belladonna, which helps reduce inflammation. Consult your doctor before using teething tablets.

The above are just some of the options available to parents to help ease a child's teething pains but there are many more teething remedies. Perhaps the best teething remedy for your baby is just good old fashioned patience, distraction and, above all, lots of cuddles.

Holistic Medicine – 5 Main Branches

Definitely you have heard of Holistic Medicine. For certainty, a friend of yours has experienced an alternative treatment. Probably, you have tried to benefit from a complementary therapy too. Perhaps, you know few holistic treatments. But, I am convinced that you do not know all the branches of Holistic Medicine. According to web references there are over of 30 main types of Holistic Medicine. In this article we will introduce you to 5 main Holistic therapies.

Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that is been practiced for thousands of years. Needles are inserted into human body (usually wrists, ankles, feet, back and abdomen) at more than 350 points. The procedure lasts for approximately 20 minutes while the patient rests and then the needles are removed. Practitioners manipulate and twirl the needles with special techniques, stimulating the energy flows and promoting healing and pain relief.

Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use primarily of essential oils and secondary of other aromatic natural substances such as vegetable (base) oils and scented products such as candles and soaps, in order to complementarily heal various diseases and vitalize body, spirit and mind. Aromatherapy is an ancient therapeutic method. There is historical evidence that in all major cultures of antiquity (Egypt, Greece, Persia, Roman), physicians deal with herbs, aromatic plants and floral water in purpose to invigorate, cure, stimulate and relax contributing to a better health and well being.

Homeopathy. Homeopathy is a relatively new Holistic Medicine based on the idea, that a natural substance that can produce sick symptoms in a healthy person, can have therapeutic effect in a sick person who suffers from the same symptoms. The term Homeopathy derives from a Greek compound word which means similar-suffering and was introduced by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Nevertheless, the homeopathetic approach to health was first described by Hippocrates 2,500 years ago. Homeopathy treatment is safe for patients as long as the next 2 rules are followed: 1. Remedies should be given in infinitesimal doses, so that unwanted side-effects could not be dangerous. 2. Remedies should be specific to each patient, because illness is specific to the individual.

Meditation. There are many different, even opposing definition of Meditation. The most usual description says that "Meditation is a state of just being without any interference from the body or mind". Free of thoughts, feelings and actions, the meditator has the ability to concentrate on the present moment of quiescence, to understand human mind’s nature and to help the awareness of every single aspect of life. Free from any distraction to the mind, the meditator, emphasizes mental activity and achieves personal development. There are many types of Meditation according to their focus and many of them are related to Eastern Religions.

Reflexology. Reflexology is a therapeutic method of healing and pain relieving by pressuring particular reflex areas in hands and feet. Thousands of nerves end in these areas and link to glands, parts and organs of human body. Therefore, reflexologists by pressing on the reflex areas, induced human body to self-correct, to prevent illness, and generally to reinforce itself reaching holistic health.

Homeopathic Treatment For Toenail Fungus

A homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus cure or remedy can in fact be effective for many people suffering the embarrassment of nail fungus. While you may have fought or are fighting this condition now, if you're reading this, the lack of a complete cure has no doubt increased your exasperation with the condition.

The problem is simply once you have it, it's very difficult to completely cure regardless any promises that claim they have a quick, easy or simple cure. While you may be researching for a homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus on your own, remember that by it's very nature, onychomycosis is considered chronic.

When considering the various homeopathic options, understand that no remedy can restore your toenails in a week or even a month. Toenails aren't alive in the sense that your hand is alive. So while your hand can heal, toenails cannot. To regain healthy nails you need the time it takes to grow out new nail material while also protecting the new nail from becoming infected.
Another thing to remember is that any homeopathic treatment for solution will not work with your effort. Here are two that seem to be related and quite popular.

Alkalize - Alkalize
Eating high alkaline foods is claimed by some to be an effective toe nail fungus. Not extremely effective according to some reports but may help with very mild cases of nail fungus. Note that the most popular homeopathic methods to treat this condition use vinegar, a natural alkaline product.

Vinegar - Homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus
Vinegar has been used with success in treating a variety of ailments including toe nail fungus. The idea is basically the same which is to make the living area of the fungus uninhabitable by changing the Ph balance. Although not a scientifically proven method, using vinegar does have a much larger group of people claiming successful cure of their toenail fungus.

There are some home remedies that offer a measure of hope and actually have attained some success. That is, if you believe the number of testimonials for some of these "cures." Home treatment remedies like odorless iodine, vinegar and tea tree oil have a much larger following. These products are claimed by many to have helped with their nail infection than the rest of the treatment solutions offered.

Products like FUNG-B-GONE are all natural and help clear toenail fungus with regular use. It's a great homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus solution to a difficult to cure problem.

Only you can decide what therapies from the homeopathic or home remedy world you want to try. Remember however that re-infection is a concern.

Asthma Homeopathy Treatment Methods

This type of treatment can not only help to reduce the symptoms of asthma but is found to be very effective for treating babies and children who have only recently been diagnosed with the condition. It can also be effective for those adults who have recently found that their asthma has returned.

However what you must remember is that traditional Western medical treatments can actually save a person's life that suffer from asthma and should not be stopped. But a person may be able to supplement asthma medical treatments with alternative forms of asthma homeopathy treatment for better effectiveness.

Often a lot of people who suffer from asthma will turn to using homeopathic treatments for their condition as not only are they natural, they are not addictive and they do not cause any side effects. This makes them more suitable for using with babies and young children as well as the elderly. All forms of homeopathic asthma treatments are made from plant, mineral and organic products which are specially prepared in order to provide a person with the most effective form of treatment for dealing with the symptoms associated with asthma.

However when it comes to using any kind of asthma homeopathy treatment a person may find that where someone gets results almost immediately when they start using it for others it may take a little longer. But whoever uses it should not expect miracles and although they will notice a general improvement in their health and well being as well as some of the symptoms becoming reduced they will not find that it instantly stops everything happening at once.

Generally when it comes to getting asthma homeopathy treatment the sufferer will visit a homeopathic practitioner who will then devise a plan that is devised for their own individual needs. Where as often with more conventional forms of asthma treatment and medication these will be based around a basic plan and then slowly the doctor or health practitioner will make changes as and when they see fit to suit a certain individual's requirements.

Natural Asthma Treatment

Below we will take a closer look at some of the other types of natural asthma treatments a sufferer may want to consider.

1. Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis)
Although it can’t really be labeled as a natural asthma remedy, it can provide a person with long term relief from the symptoms associated with this condition. However if you do decide to undergo asthma hypnotherapy it is important that you check out the credentials of the hypnotist that will be treating you. However just how successful this form of treatment can be will depend not only on the hypnotherapist but also what state of mind the patient has. If they do not trust or believe in what the therapist is doing then it will not work.

2. Acupuncture
There are some people who suffer with asthma who find acupuncture an extremely effective way of treating the condition. This form of treatment using very thin needles which when inserted into certain areas of the body will stimulate a chemical reaction and help to re balance the body. Although effective, it is important that the acupuncturist you use is well established and also is well aware of the safety and health issues with regard to the needles that they use. However if you are someone that does not like the thought of needles going into your body you could try acupressure instead. It works in the same way as acupuncture. Rather than needles being inserted into the skin, pressure is applied to specific areas of the body instead. Acupressure is actually considered to be much safer than acupuncture.

3. Yoga
This is supposedly meant to be an extremely effective way of treating asthma and has been around for many centuries now. This type of natural asthma treatment which originates from India uses exercises that can help to treat any problems a person is suffering from both in their body and their mind. Although some people do find it highly effective, it does involve a person actually placing themselves in to some very strange positions and so some people are actually put off by this.

However when it comes to choosing what kind of natural asthma treatment you are going to use it is best if you carry out as much research as possible before hand. Although you could ask friends and family what they would consider to be the best form of treatment another great place you should be looking is online. There are loads of sites that have been set up not just by medical professionals but also by those suffering from asthma which will provide you with as much information as you need so that you can make the right decision about the type of treatment you will be using.

Ricky is the online editor of an asthma homeopathy website. Visit his site today for more information on which herbal supplements for asthma are effective in treating asthma.

Asthma Natural Remedy

Therefore when it comes to treating asthma, you may find that where one type of asthma natural remedy is suitable for one person, it may not actually be suitable for them.

When a person is first diagnosed with suffering from asthma, it is advisable that they use the medications prescribed by their doctor in order to control it especially if it is well established or can be a threat to a person’s life. Once you have established a clear routine with these drugs and followed the advice that your doctor provides then it may be time to start considering using asthma natural remedies. The problem with the medications that your doctor prescribes today is that they are their control rather than cure the condition.

Certainly after a period of time you will often find that the drugs you are using can become less effective and in a lot of cases a person will suffer some kind of side effect from using them. Luckily with asthma natural remedies, you will find that not only do they help to control the symptoms associated with asthma but in some cases may actually provide a cure to the condition. When it comes to finding the right kind of natural remedy to use for treating your asthma, there are four areas that you will need to look at closely to ensure that you get the most effective remedy possible.

You should be looking for a remedy that is able to reduce the amount of mucus being produced, as well as one that is able to reduce the inflammation that will occur in the lungs. Also look for ones that will help to reduce your stress levels both emotionally and physically. Unfortunately for many people suffering from asthma when they have an attack things can be made much worse when they become stressed. Finally you should look for an asthma natural remedy that will also help to boost your immune system.

So although it is best in the beginning for an asthma sufferer to use the medications that their doctor prescribes it will not be harmful to them to consider an asthma natural remedy in the future. But it is vital that any treatments they do consider using, they should discuss the matter with their doctor first.

Homeopathic Remedies For Asthma

Certainly when the right kinds of treatments are chosen a person will find that they can help to relieve the stress that they are feeling when an asthma attack occurs. However if the attack becomes much worse then that person should be seeking medical advice as soon as possible. Especially in cases where the person has a great deal of difficulty when they are breathing and their lips have gone a bluish color or it looks as if they are likely to lose consciousness.

In this article I am going to take a look at some homeopathic remedies that a person may want to consider using in order to treat their condition. But these should only be used under strict guidance from an experienced homeopathic therapist.

Carbo Vegetabilis

This particular remedy will be suggested for use by some during an asthma attack who feels weak or faint. Often they will feel as if their chest is hollow also. Plus they will often cough in such a way that they can actually begin to gag which will then make it very difficult for more air to gain access to their lungs. Also this particular homeopathic remedy will be used on those people who feel worse in the evening or after talking, eating or when they are laid down.


This particular homeopathic remedy has been designed for treating sufferers who suffer with a hard, dry but irritating cough which often occurs when they become exposed to air that is moving or when they become excited or angry.


This particular remedy is provided to those sufferers who have coughing spasms which results in them either retching or vomiting. Also it is great for treating those who find that the mucus (phlegm) collects in their breathing tubes and when they try to cough it out they find it extremely difficult to do so.

Although I have provided information with regard to what kind of homeopathic remedies for asthma that may be given to some sufferers, there are also other asthma herbal remedies.

But until the homeopathic therapist knows what kind of asthma you are suffering from, they will not be able to devise a suitable remedy for you. The best thing you can do is find a knowledgeable and experienced homeopathic therapist to treat you. You can consult your own doctor who maybe able to suggest one and then take your time and discuss with them the best course of treatment for you.

The Alternative Way To Cure Acne

Do Alternative Remedies for Acne Work? Type of treatment that some people find effective, so it’s worth knowing about. The treatments I’m talking about are called alternative acne treatments.

There are a variety of ways to get rid of acne that are homeopathic or natural and do not require a prescription from a dermatologist. These remedies can be used in conjunction with prescribed methods. For those who are seeking healthy and natural methods for getting rid of acne, homeopathic remedies are a viable option.

There are many treatment methods available to treat this condition, ranging from traditional medicines to acne alternative treatments that have been formulated from natural sources.

The basics for acne alternative treatments and prevention advice are:

1.Herbal Acne Remedies

Alternative medicine has come up with many solutions for acne and most of these are herbal solutions. It's common knowledge that the liver is the primary internal organ that clears up any troubles we may have with our hormones. If our hormones get out of equilibrium the end result is a bad case of acne.

Why Some Herbal Acne Treatments Actually Work For Acne?

The herbal blend strengthened and improved liver function; there by purifying the blood and helping to balance hormones. It is your liver that deactivates and clears excess and used hormones from body system. And it's also your liver's that purifies your blood of the congesting toxins that aggravate acne so very much.

Even though they can be effective, one of the problems with herbal remedies is that they are very slow acting. While the results may be worth waiting for, it may take an entire month of consistent use before results are visible. Meanwhile, herbal acne treatments proved to be very powerful for acne sufferers, but for the short-term.

Remember that some herbal remedies have never been studied, and tested for safety and effectiveness as acne alternative treatments.

How Herbs Work in Body System?

All herbs work one of two ways or a combination of these two ways The herb carries with it vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and a less understood "life force". These aspects support the body nutritionally. Generally, these kinds of herbs are safe to be taken long-term. But should only be taken seasonally.

The herb has chemical components that actually throws the body out of balance. Depending on these chemical components different body systems are thrown out of balance. These herbs work short-term, and are damaging to the body system if taken in long-term. Please understand herbal acne treatments that temporarily throw your body out of balance are not a bad thing. That's why they work. But they should never be taken long-term and will actually stop working very quickly if you do.

2.Homeopathic Remedies

The objects of homeopathic remedies for acne is to improve the skins resistance to infection. Most issues can be solved through a healthy diet and good hygiene.
Homeopathy refers to a system for treating disease based on the administration of minute doses of a drug. In massive doses, the drug is expected to produce symptoms in healthy individuals similar to those of the disease itself. Homeopathic professionals evaluate the individual (their physical, emotional and intellectual makeup) before prescribing a treatment. While homeopathy has not had the benefit of many scientific studies, professional homeopaths have found that certain homeopathic treatments reduce certain symptoms of acne.

Homeopathic remedies for acne can include medicine or nutrients that regulate hormone levels, as changing hormone levels are by far the leading cause of acne. Men and women experience the same results from changing hormonal levels even thought the amounts of each hormone are dramatically different. Homeopathic acne treatment is most often needed in the teenage years. Older people can also develop pimples, but are advised to immediately see a physician if a severe outbreak occurs.

3.Diet Remedies

There is saying "you are what you eat" One of the simplest alternative acne treatments is to simply change your diet. Some people have had great success in reducing their acne by eating more fruit and vegetables, and less processed foods. This keeps you much healthier, and will improve your skin.

Food and nutrition is the most important factor in alternative therapy. Fat and chocolates were blamed as the basic reason for the outbreak of acne while fast foods high in grease content as well as chips, chocolate and soft drinks can cause higher episodes of acne even in an adult. Vitamins such as A, E, B, and C are also important for the skin texture and tone, also seem to be important and juice therapists advice to have fresh juice, to a reduce acne problems.

What you eat can affect your acne breakouts. It’s no doubt that good nutrition is an important factor in getting rid of your acne once and for all. Yet many people who suffer from acne don’t actually know how they can improve their diet, which will in turn improve their skin. They don’t know which types of food helps, or doesn’t help.

So eating healthier foods will help keep your skin cleaner. But that isn’t to say you can’t ever eat the fatty foods, or the carbohydrates like rice and pasta. Although these things can take longer for your body to process, which means there are more toxins in your body system, it’s fine in moderation. A few other foods to avoid are foods that contain a lot of sugar or a lot of yeast. Again, these are fine in moderation, but if you eat these foods too often, it can make your nutrition unbalanced

Another help to diets, is the addition of adequate amounts of water consumption to anyone's diet. Why? Because water helps to flush out the poison Substances in your body system which would otherwise seek an outlet through your skin. By drinking more water, you can keep your body clear of toxin build-up. And this will help keep your skin healthier. Drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day can be one of the acne natural treatments that can begin to detoxify the pores and skin.

Anyone looking for treatment can look online to find more suggestions and can read testimonials from those who have had success with home remedies. No one acne home treatment will work for everyone, so finding the right combination of ingredients or procedures could take time. Getting a program that fits the person’s routine and helps prevent further problems may take time and experimentation, but the results will be worth the time invested.

Keep in mind that those acne solutions that work for one person will probably not work for the next person. What worked for your mother, brother, or best friend may or may not work for you.

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Homeopathy: Proven Medicine or a Placebo

Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician disenchanted with these methods, began to develop a theory based on three principles: the law of similars, the minimum dose, and the single remedy.The word homeopathy is derived from the Greek words for like (homoios) and suffering (pathos). With the law of similars, Hahnemann theorized that if a large amount of a substance causes certain symptoms in a healthy person, smaller amounts of the same substance can treat those symptoms in someone who is ill.

The basis of his theory took shape after a strong dose of the malaria treatment quinine caused his healthy body to develop symptoms similar to ones caused by the disease. He continued to test his theory on himself as well as family and friends with different herbs, minerals and other substances. He called these experiments "provings."

As we might expect, the intensity of the symptoms caused by the original proving was harrowing. So Hahnemann began decreasing the doses to see how little of a substance could still produce signs of healing. With the minimum dose, or law of infinitesimals, Hahnemann believed that a substance strength and effectiveness increased the more it was diluted.

Minuscule doses were prepared by repeatedly diluting the active ingredient by factors of 10. A "6X" preparation (the X is the Roman numeral for 10) is a 1-to-10 dilution repeated six times, leaving the active ingredient as one part per million. Essential to the process of increasing potency while decreasing the actual amount of the active ingredient is vigorous shaking after each dilution.

Some homeopathic remedies are so dilute, no molecules of the healing substance remain. Even with sophisticated technology now available, analytical chemists may find it difficult or impossible to identify any active ingredient. But the homeopathic belief is that the substance has left its imprint or a spirit-like essence that stimulates the body to heal itself.

Critics of homeopathy point out that no way such a dilute medicine could work. People are feeling better because of the placebo effect. Critics also say the research in homeopathy is very unimpressive. Proponents of homeopathy point out to numerous trials that have been successful.

Recent homeopathic trials include a trial done by A Swiss-UK review of 110 trials found no convincing evidence the treatment worked any better than a placebo. However, there seems to be many problems with this type of trail.

The University of Limberg investigators, who are all epidemiologists, found 107 controlled studies in homeopathy. Most of these studies did not meet the research standard that they were looking for. However, 22 trials meet their strict criteria. The researchers used trials with a large number of people, double blind studies where neither physician or participant knew who was receiving the remedy or the placebo and a random assignment of patients in a treatment group.

Of the 22 trials, 15 were in the favor of Homeopathy working better than a placebo. The other 7 trials showed Homeopathy working equivalent to a placebo. This is almost a 2 to 1 ratio of successful homeopathic trials to unsuccessful studies.

Honey: Homeopathic Treatment For Seasonal Allergies

"Let food be your medicine," Hippocrates implored a couple of thousand years ago. If we take the advice of the father of medicine, and combine that with a product of Mother Nature, we have no further to look for a perfect food/medicine than honey.

Not only is honey a great tasting food (whether eaten by itself, on toasted bread, or added to other foods or beverages as a sweetener), but it is also a germ-free product that can be used for applying externally to treat cuts and burns on the skin. It is said to promote healing and aid in the prevention of scarring. Honey also acts as a disinfectant in treating irritated mucous membranes, as in the occurrence of cough or sore throat.

Since the work habits of the bee are legendary (as in "busy as a ___"), let’s take a look at what our productive little friends do, how they do it, and how that relates to our health and well-being. The worker bees travel from their hive, making periodic and frequent stops at flowering plants, usually within a radius of just a mile or so from their home. They extract nectar from the blossoms and pass it into their "honey stomachs," where it is partially digested, taken back to the hive, and regurgitated to be stored in the honeycombs.

This is where the homeopathic viability of locally produced honey comes into play in the treatment of seasonal allergies. Since the honey contains pollen from nearby plants (the same pollen that becomes airborne and drives you to tears and tissues), eating the honey is the same as ingesting a small amount of the irritating pollens. This helps your system build up resistance to those same pollens that are causing your body so much discomfort. This is the whole principle behind homeopathic healing, anyway; treating a disease with small amounts of a substance that in large amounts produces symptoms that are similar to the disease itself.

So how much honey should you ingest to gain any homeopathic benefit? Most advocates of this method recommend at least 2 to 3 teaspoons per day. They also suggest that you start consuming the honey several months before the active pollen season begins in your area.

A few key points should be considered about the honey you choose to eat. It should be raw, unrefined, unfiltered 100% pure honey that has been harvested within no more than a 50 mile radius of your home; the reason being, of course, that the makings of the honey will have been collected from those same plants causing you the most trouble.

One good source of local honey is usually your local farmers’ market. The light colored product you find on shelves in major grocery store chains might be tasty, but who knows how far away it was produced or how much it has been processed?

This method of treating seasonal allergies may or may not be helpful to you, but at least in the process of trying it, you will be consuming a delicious natural food that is loaded with good things such as vitamin C, antioxidants, vitamin B-6, niacin, and lots of other vitamins and minerals. Honey is also a low-calorie food and makes a healthful sugar substitute in your diet.

Benefits of Homeopathic HGH

Homeopathy is a method of medical practices, which treat diseases by administering minute doses, which would otherwise produce symptoms, in a healthy person, similar to the symptoms of a disease. These small doses lead to the stimulation of body's endocrine and immune systems. A German physician, Samuel Hahnemann developed and discovered homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic HGH was introduced to check on the growth hormones in way that is more natural.

Homeopathic medicines are primarily based on a principal that states that if herbs can be responsible for certain symptoms in a healthy person, then it can very well treat a person having the same symptoms. This is how homeopathic HGH works.

FDA approves all the homeopathic HGH. Nevertheless, like food supplements and vitamins, homeopathic products that are offered do not have to go through the process of approval by the FDA.

Benefits of Homeopathic HGH-

- Homeopathic HGH, when taken in small doses, does wonders in a human body. A small dose has sufficient active ingredients that are needed to stimulate the 'healing processes in a body.

- The best thing about homeopathic HGH is that it has no side effects. Its natural herbal ingredients cure the disease conveniently.

- It helps in homeostasis. In this process, the pituitary glands are encouraged to supplement and release growth hormones to balance the body.

- Small amount of homeopathic HGH should be taken at regular intervals. This is one of the prime principles of homeopathy. It is believed that this method works better.

- Homeopathic HGH is effective and very safe. Taking homeopathic products does not put health at stake. It is like taking in something that is not foreign or new to the system and the body.

- It enhances the functions of nervous, immune, and metabolic systems.

- It reduces joint pains.

- It helps in increasing body mass in lean structure and in reducing fat.

With all the benefits and negligible side effects, one should always remember that homeopathy is a controversial practice that could lead to the violation of commonly held principles and beliefs of physiology and pharmacology.

It is always advisable to buy homeopathic HGH from vendors who have lab verses approved by FDA and who strictly follows all the guidelines set by FDA. FDA has periodic inspections, when they check that every bottle of homeopathic HGH has an expiry date and has been stamped with a lot number. This is one way by which you can check whether the vendor has been approved by FDA or not. FDA also advices the vendors not to describe their customers, the products in respect to nana grams. But when looking for homeopathic HGH, you should always look out for 'homeopathic HGH 30X' on the list of ingredients.

Results might vary from one person to another. Some may feel that they have been benefited a little in a span of six months, while some may even look ten to twenty years younger. It is always advisable to consult a doctor before actually consuming the 'fountain of youth'.

Homeopathic Remedies: Homeopathy for Healing

Homeopathic healing medicine has been around for over 200 years and is used to treat everything from asthma and sore throats, to depression and anxiety. Gentle and safe, homeopathy can be used alongside most conventional medicine and other alternative medicines and is appropriate for children, adults, and even pets. You may have seen the small, round globules in health food stores, but wondered, "What is homeopathy and how does it work?"

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathic medicine can be described easily as "like treats like." Homeopathic remedies are diluted substances that would actually cause the very symptom that it is used to treat. For example, if a person has nausea a homeopathic doctor would prescribe them a homeopathic remedy that would cause nausea in a healthy person, but would help to treat nausea in the patient. Similarly, if a person has a persistent cough, the homeopathic remedy that is prescribed would be a treatment that would cause a cough in an otherwise healthy person. Therefore, homeopathic medicine is not used to cover up or suppress ailments, but is used to stimulate the body to heal itself.

Homeopathic medicine is created by diluting substances from plants, animals, minerals, and even chemical drugs. For instance, a plant-derived homeopathic medicine may be made from diluting dandelion. A mineral substance may be made from arsenic, an animal substance from the venom of a snake, and a chemical substance from penicillin. These substances are then diluted, mixed with alcohol, and shaken. After dilution it is then used to soak small sugar globules. The globules are the packaged white balls you will see in the stores.

Homeopathic Training

There are many homeopathic training programs and many schools teaching courses on homeopathy. While it is of utmost importance to get schooling and training before practicing homeopathic treatment, there is no certification or degree required to practice homeopathy. Because homeopathy is a mind and body healing treatment, many established healers including chiropractors, acupuncturists, Reiki healers, and even dentists, use homeopathy in addition to their regular healing practices with wonderful results.

To try homeopathy for yourself, simply go to a health food store and choose the remedy that seems best suited for your specific ailment. Follow the instructions on the package and you will likely experience the healing results of homeopathic remedies for yourself.

Homeopathic Medicine and Relief of Pain

Studies have shown that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are commonly used for pain relief such as aspirin and ibuprofen can have some very negative side-effects on the body, including an increased chance of developing an ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding, damaged kidneys or an upset stomach.

To that end, people are beginning to look towards other options for treating their pain. One option that many people take very seriously is homeopathic medicine, and in this article, we’ll give you a basic overview of some of the principles of homeopathic medicine and how it promises to help the body.

Homeopathic medicine relies on a concept that is known as the law of similars. For homeopathic treatments, an agent that is useful for certain purposes is diluted again and again until no discernible part of the agent remains, yet the treatment still aids the patient.

Homeopathic medicine often works towards establishing a full health of the body and doesn’t focus on specific symptoms, but many turn to the art in order to receive relief from chronic pain that they are experiencing.

One of the main compounds that are used for treating pain in the homeopathic world is known as aconite. The treatments are often available in the form of tablets which are to be placed underneath the tongue and dissolved or liquid tinctures or ointments.

Many people swear by homeopathic medicine, and odds are, if you live near a major metropolitan area, you should have no trouble finding a homeopathic practitioner.

Homeopathic remedies tend to be very low in cost and are recommended by homeopathic practitioners for treating such common ailments as headaches, wounds, and other occurrences in which traditional types of medicine have failed.

While not a complete answer for all of the ailments that we face as human beings, many people state that the medicine offered by homeopathic practitioners is potent when it comes to helping them to treat their problems. You should find out on your own whether or not the medicine is right for you, and you definitely should still keep pharmaceutical options in mind when considering a homeopathic regimen.

Consider it one of your many different types of treating problems such as pain relief, and you will be in the right mind state. There are many different methods of relieving the pain that you experience and homeopathic medicine is just one of them.

You also may want to consider looking at other alternative types of pain relief therapy, including massage therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture and herbal remedies.

In order to net the best possible results, you should consider all of your options that are available to you and you should experiment around with them until you can find a solution that works fully and completely. Pain is in the mind just as much as it is in the body, so understand that fact when addressing your personal pain issues. Best of luck!

Homeopathic Medicine Can Help Improve Fertility

Homeopathy is widely used all over the world and it is spreading very fast because it is very economical, safe and most of all very effective. Homeopathic medicine is very effective in treating men and women’s reproductive problems because it stimulates the body's own ability to heal itself rather than inhibit or suppress the body’s attempt to become well.

What is Homeopathic Medicine?

Many people believe that homeopathic medicine is all about herbs, vitamins and diet, but they are far from the truth. Homeopathic medicine is a separate and complete healing system which supports health, prevents and treats diseases all at the same time. A healthy life style, including the supplementation of minerals and vitamins is encouraged by homeopathic practitioners, but what homeopathy is all about is its highly diluted homeopathic remedies that elicit a healing response by stimulating the body’s own healing abilities.

In the early nineteenth century German physician Samuel Hahnemann discovered the law of Similars based on the principle of "like cures like." Hahnemann called his discovery Homeopathy. In ancient Greek, the word Homeo means similar and Pathos means suffering. This means that when a natural substance is administered to a healthy person in a crude dose, produces symptoms similar to the condition for which it is meant to treat.

Homeopathic medicine can help couples achieve pregnancy when the causes of the infertility are not known (unexplained fertility) because homeopathy stimulates the healing force within the body to heal itself. When couples seek advice from a homeopathic practitioner, they men and the women are treated constitutionally and a remedy selection is made based on their unique characteristics. The first homeopathic interview lasts for at least 2 hours and the person is asked questions about their likes and dislikes, how the weather changes affect their state of health and what makes their symptoms better or worse.

If it is the woman suffering from infertility, homeopathy can help regulate the menstrual cycle, treat endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome. If the cause of infertility is due to a mental or emotional aspect of the woman’s life, like a stressful career or relationship, past abuse, shock, and guilt, homeopathic medicine can help restore balance at the mental and emotional state, allowing for healing to occur at the physical level.

When the male partner is the one suffering from infertility with symptoms of low sperm count, abnormal sperm morphology, erectile dysfunction and varicocele, homeopathic medicine can assist restore strength by increasing sexual vitality. In these cases, homeopathy works best if a healthy diet I followed especially when coffee is reduced and alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking is given up.

What are Homeopathic Remedies?

Remedies are derived from a variety of natural sources including animals, plants and minerals and are prepared in licensed laboratories under strict quality control. Homeopathic preparations are very sensitive to direct sun light, electromagnetic devices, strong odors like camphor, menthol, mothballs, or perfumes, high and low temperature and should be handled with care.

They are dispensed as small pillules, soft tablets, globules or liquid. The potency commonly used is 6C or 30C. Higher potencies should be taken under the advice of a homeopathic practitioner. During acute illnesses, homeopathic medicines can be taken quite often like every 20 minutes. As symptoms improve, the interval of administration increases to every hour, until great amelioration is noticed and the homeopathic medicine is taken 3 times a day until the person is better. In homeopathy, when symptoms improve, there is no need to repeat the dose. During a chronic illness, the homeopathic remedy is administered once a day or once a week for a couple of months until complete restoration of health is achieved.

How to Find a Homeopathic Practitioner

Homeopathic medicine is a regulated profession in many countries and many homeopathic practitioners have completed medical undergraduate studies. In countries when homeopathy is not regulated, homeopathic practitioner usually join a professional association whose role is to make sure high standards of homeopathic medicine are followed by its members. If selecting a homeopathic practitioner to help restore fertility, it is important to make sure that a homeopathic professional is selected; someone who has had basic training in homeopathic medicine with at least 2 years of experience and that belongs to a homeopathic professional association of Classical homeopathy. Many naturopathic physicians practice homeopathy, but not all naturopathic schools teach classical homeopathy.

Homeopathic Medicine Can Help Infant Colic

What is Infant Colic?
Colic is experienced by the baby as severe abdominal pain. The baby pulls the legs up, screams vigorously and is in great distress. Parents try everything to soothe the baby with little success. Many parents end up staying up all night carrying, rocking, and burping their baby, loosing precious sleep and becoming very exhausted and discouraged.
The cause of colic is unknown but it has been suggested that it may be due to acid conditions and production of gas that gets trapped in the gastro-intestinal tract. In breast-feed babies, this can be due to a reaction to foods in the mother's diet like dairy products, wheat, cabbage, or citrus fruits. Even mother’s tension and anxiety can play a role. In bottle-feed babies it may be due to swallowing air and sensitivity to proteins in cow's milk. This condition is typically worse in the evening and may last from a few minutes to several hours and it starts at birth and continues up until the baby is three months old. Colic is also associated with diarrhea, constipation, passing gas, spitting up and more. The baby also becomes very irritable and cries for long periods of time in great distress. Many homeopathic practitioners believe that colic is associated with a weak digestive system that is in a phase of development, as the baby grows the colic pain diminishes and goes away on its own. Homeopathic remedies are meant to help and assist during this transitional period.

What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathic medicine is becoming very popular among parents these days because it is a safe and effective healing system that offers a good alternative to allopathic drugs which can cause side effects. In the early nineteenth century German physician Samuel Hahnemann discovered the "Law of Similars" based on the principle of "like cures like." Homeopathy uses natural substances that, when administered to a healthy person in a crude dose, produce symptoms similar to the condition for which they are treated. Homeopathic medicines are diluted by a special method called "potentization" that releases their healing potential of the substance. Homeopathic preparations can be obtained by homeopathic pharmacies which follow strict industry manufacturing standards and procedures that ensure the highest quality of these remedies.

Homeopathic Remedies for Baby Colic
Homeopathic treatment can be a real life saver for parents of a colicky baby at a time when they are concerned to find some relief for their baby's pain. Colic most commonly affects infants from about two weeks of age until three months, but babies who suffer from colic during infancy may develop other gastro-intestinal problems later in childhood like food allergies, skin rashes, constipation, and more. This is why homeopathic treatment is very important not only to address the acute discomfort, but also to treat the underlying imbalance and decrease the susceptibility to chronic disease later in life.

How to Administer Homeopathy
Homeopathy can help a baby with colic when the correct homeopathic remedy is selected and administered frequently as soon as the discomfort begins and then less and less often until complete relief is achieved. The best way to treat infant colic is to give a remedy usually selected based on the specific colic symptoms the baby is exhibiting. Refer to a homeopathic practitioner for best results.

Note: If colicky pain is associated with paleness, vomiting, diarrhea or other, please seek immediate medical care.

During episodes, the following homeopathic remedies can be given every 5-15 minutes until improvement is noticed continue for up to 10 doses in a day. There is no harm of giving more if the baby needs it, but do not administer if the baby is doing fine. Be very alert and administer as soon as you notice colic discomfort.

Most Commonly Used Homeopathic Remedies

The colic pain comes in waves and the baby screams in pain and is better by a firm pressure or tummy massage. The baby likes to be carried tummy-down on someone's arm.

This remedy is for the impossible child that is angry, peevish and wants to be constantly carried and has green stools.

Magnesia Phosphorica
This remedy helps babies that like warm gentle massage on their tummy and are relieved when the parent pushes the baby’s legs up and down to relieve gas.

This remedy is indicated when the baby is allergic to mother’s milk or cow’s milk.
Usually about one hour after being fed, the baby develops colic pain and may also spit up large curds of milk. Vomiting and diarrhea may also be present.


The baby has colic and lots of gas. You can hear rumbling of gas in baby's belly. This remedy helps the baby that cries inconsolably and arches backwards when in pain.

Is Homeopathic is Safe for Babies?
Homeopathy is classified as alternative medicine, but it has been around for over two hundred years and widely used all around the world. Many natural health practitioners and medical physicians recommend homeopathic remedies for colic pain because they are very effective and safe due to the fact that they are derived from natural substances and are highly diluted. They are also non-toxic without side effects, safe for the entire family including infants.

Homeopathic Acne Treatments That Work Wonders

When most people scoff at the idea of homeopathic medicine, they don’t realize that the overwhelming majority of homeopathic treatments have been around far longer than their better known modern medicine counterparts. Homeopathic medicine can trace its roots back centuries to a simpler time when people understood the environment around them, understood what the natural world contained, what it could do and how to use it properly. There is a reason why the pharmacist logo is a mortar and pestle: those tools were actually used for hundreds of years to grind, crush and manufacture cures and treatments for diseases. Let’s take a look at a handful of modern and not so modern treatments for acne.

This first treatment takes a bit of preparation but many people swear by its effectiveness. Start by peeling the skin off of a pomegranate and placing it inside a 350 degree oven for 15 minutes. Once the skin is nicely roasted, place it inside a blender or food processor (or even a coffee grinder would work) and puree it as much as possible. Place the ground peel in a small bowl and add in a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lime juice.

Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes until a nice paste has been created. Use this substance as a mask and let dry anywhere on your skin where acne is often a problem. This mixture is an effective homeopathic acne treatment on several levels. The lime juice does the job of today’s benzoyl peroxide by shocking the pimples and cleaning them out and the pomegranate peel is full of anti-oxidants, vitamins and other nutrients your skin needs. Feel free to repeat this treatment 3-4 times per week as necessary. You may also want to eat the pomegranate as they are one of the best and most complete fruits in the world.

This next homeopathic acne treatment will not only help you control your pimple outbreaks, it will likely keep vampires away, as well! Much has been made in the last few years about the power of garlic on the human body. We are always told to eat more garlic every year and now there are even supplements that allow you to intake garlic every day without the tell tale breath.

There are a number of creams and concoctions you can make at home that contain garlic that can be great for your skin, but many people simply take a freshly crushed garlic clove and apply it directly to their face. Of course, you are going to have to shower later and you may want to be alone when you try this homeopathic acne treatment, but fans swear it works wonders. Likely the best time to try out this treatment would be right before bed. Since the acids in garlic can be harsh on the skin, keep this nifty new treatment to only 2-3 times per week.

Homeopathy in the Sydney CBD

Homeopathy Sydney

"The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health, or removal and annihilation of disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles."
-Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, 1842

For over 200 years, homeopathy has been used by millions of people as a natural way to promote healing. Its methods are safe and effective and have been clinically proven by thousands of homeopathic practitioners. Studies published in journals such as the British Medical Journal, the Oxford Journal and the Lancet have confirmed that these naturally derived remedies work. Some are even more effective than pharmaceutical treatments.
Homeopathic medicine is a natural, gentle system of treating illness. Homeopathy is based on principles discovered by Hippocrates, considered the father of modern medicine, in 450 BC. These principles were later organized into a system of medicine in Europe by Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1700’s. The term comes from the Greek words "Homeo", meaning similar and "pathy" meaning disease, or suffering. The key principle of like cures like means is that if a particular substance causes symptoms in a healthy person, than a highly diluted form of the same substance can be used to treat an ill person.

Does this make sense? As an every day example, we know that caffeinated drinks, especially coffee can disrupt our sleep, especially if we tend to drink them in the afternoon or at night. Dr. Hahnemann took this understanding one step further and discovered that if weak coffee could cause insomnia in a normally healthy person, then diluted coffee could also be used to treat a person having serious sleep problems. The same concept is used in conventional medicine in vaccination treatments, where a small amount of a certain virus is given as a preventative treatment for the full-blown disease.

In medical terms, we call this hormesis. Hormesis is occurs when a toxic substance acts like a stimulant in tiny doses, but as an inhibitor in large doses. By using micro doses of a fertilizer to improve crop production, research done by scientists at Michigan State University shows how hormesis works in nature. After treating the crops with a dose of fertilizer that had 9 times dilution, the crop yield increased by 25-30% and produced noticeably larger individual vegetables. Within our own bodies, trace amounts of specific substances or hormones can have drastic effects on our bodies, energy levels and our moods - if in doubt, just ask anyone who has raised a teenager!

Several studies have been published in recent medical journals that verify the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies. One example, from the Oxford journals of Rheumatology studied the effects of individualized homeopathic remedies on fibromyalgia patients. As part of the trial, each participant was given an individually chosen homeopathic liquid daily, based on the recommendation of two experienced homeopaths. The patients were assessed by the number of tender points they had and the associated pain, as well as by the patients own rating of their quality of life, mood and overall health.

What did the study find? After three months, patients receiving homeopathic treatments showed a significant reduction in pain as well as an improved quality of life, health and emotional state. What made this study unique was that it allowed for each participant to receive an individualized remedy for their specific symptoms caused by fibromyalgia.

In practical terms, this means that there is much more to homeopathic therapy than to simply add a few natural supplements to the diet. To make sure that you really experience the benefits of homeopathy, it’s important to find a skilled homeopathic specialist, who can help you to assess your individual health concerns and find the best remedy to fit your needs. Here at back on your feet in Sydney’s CBD we have a very gifted woman who has the magic, her homeopathy skills are up there with the best, I cannot recommend her highly enough.

If you would like more information about how a homeopathic treatment can be made just for you, click here to arrange a consultation with our homeopath simply click the link below.

How Useful Is Homeopathy For Allergies?

Common cold is too common for people who have it once in a while due to climatic changes. But if it becomes the rule of life like in cases of allergic conditions, it’s hell! There are people who get up every morning with the dread that the sneezing will start like a demon to end never at least for a few hours. Suppressing these attacks with anti-allergic drugs obviously benefits prima facie, but it is just temporary, as witnessed by thousands of allergy sufferers.

There are many home remedies too that are tried by these victims of allergy like using ginger in tea etc. But again this gives just temporary relief, as the root cause is never dealt with.

What is the root cause for these allergies?

Do you think that allergens are responsible for this? Well, it is true that the allergens lead to these allergies. But what causes these allergens to be so dreadful as to attack people so violently? There must be something deep within. Yes, this "Something deep within" is the root cause! We can call them tendencies to catch allergies, infections, etc. Unless this tendency is dealt with efficaciously, we cannot expect radical cure from allergies.

One more interesting story is that, if you suppress these allergies with counter-acting drugs and for time being, if they really vanish, don’t be overly elated! The reason behind is that, you haven’t kicked them away but have suppressed within the body. Either it is lying in dormant condition inside or is busy preparing to attack some other vital organ to trouble you later. There are many cases of respiratory allergies being suppressed by drugs and developed into some skin allergy later on (without even known by the sufferer the reason behind this new-found skin allergy).

Does homeopathy help?

Yes, it does! The principle of homeopathy is "like cures like". When judiciously this principle is applied in practice, we enforce the similarly acting drug to stimulate the vital force inside to expel the symptoms of the disease (allergy) and establish harmony.

Well, sounds like just a theory?

Do homeopathic medicines never suppress?

It is not true. Homeopathic medicines if applied wrongly, without considering the totality of symptoms, i.e., the person’s physical and mental make up, his attitude towards life, dominant miasm in him, and things alike. Also if the potency chosen is not correct or excessively high or cruder, it may lead to suppression, only to be revealed again later on.

Choose right homeopathic remedy to cure allergies!

However, it is also true that rightly chosen remedy, potency, and its application in the right way do help to annihilate the symptoms of the disease in the mildest yet powerful manner within no time. In that sense, homeopathy is a true healer. Go for expert homeopathic consultation and your struggle to overcome an allergy will come to a good end.

Allergies are of different kind. In homeopathy, they usually fall under categories (miasms) Psora and Tubercular. However, if it is badly expressed allergy or a more destructive kind of allergy leading to some drastic end organ damage, it also can fall under Sycosis or Syphilis miasms. This understanding and differentiation can be done only by an expert homeopath. But once rightly recognized and attacked the root cause of allergy, the person frees himself of the recurrent spells of sneezing, cough, colds, and other bodily complaints due to it and leads on the path of complete cure!

Yeast Infection Cure Homeopathic - #1 Solution That Works

Are you looking for that effective yeast infection cure homeopathic? Read this short and informative article to learn how to finally get rid of yeast infection without all the hassles and struggles.

Do you realize that millions of people are suffering from yeast infections everyday and they are just desperate to get the right answers. Well, I don't blame them and that is why the majority of marketers online are trying to utilize this avenue to exploit victims. But you don't have to suffer all your life. I had yeast infection back in 2009 and I was on the point of giving up.

Yeast is nothing but a tiny fungus in the body that creates inconvenience, discomfort and as time goes by, it starts to grow larger in size causing even more discomfort. You can easily reduce the number of infectious fungi to normal with the proper usage of some home remedies and reduce the problem faster.

There is a bacteria found in the human body which can keep the yeast fungus from experiencing further growth and increase in population. Discoveries have shown that excessive medicine intake into the body can get this friendly bacteria that is supposed to fight fungi inefficient. When you continually take drugs as a means of treatment of yeast infections, you are indirectly killing these God given bacteria and the fungus will grow rapidly causing more discomfort.

Yeast Infection Cure Homeopathic deals mainly with natural means of taking care of this embarrassing illness. As hidden as this illness can be, if proper healthy steps are not taken, life could become unbearable and this your family, friends and work associates will notice - do you want this to happen to you? Off course you don't.

You are not alone when searching for a Yeast Infection Cure Homeopathic because, this illness is a common issue for men and women alike. This particular health disorder may create discomfort during urination, sex as well as an itching sensation throughout the day. One effective cure to this is to use curd and yogurt. When both are combined, they encourage the perfect growth of those friendly bacteria that is being reduced as a results of synthetic medicines. It also prevent extra growth of the yeast (Fungus).

To apply this technique and get answers fast, click link below:

Checkout Solution Here -Yeast Infection Cure Homeopathic to learn amazing way to cure it.

No matter how hard you have tried fixing this problem of yeast infections, I believe that with the proper application like the helpful resource provided above, you will not only decrease the spread of yeast on your body but you will succeed in improving your overall health naturally.

Homeopathic Products - Effective and Human Friendly Both

Medicines are important in everyone’s life but the main concern nowadays has become their quality and originality. Other major factor that worries the most users is the side effects. After realizing the side effects in most of allopathic medicines, people are turning towards the use of homeopathic medicines. Today, homeopathic medicines manufacturers offer wide range of medicines for the treatment of even the advance staged diseases. Shampoo, cough syrup and eye drops are commonly used in almost every home. Following few are the good options to make your choice safe, effective and economy:

Arnica Montana Shampoo

Arnica Montana shampoo is made of Arnica, Jaborandi and Calendula like herbal ingredients. It clears the dandruff returning the bouncing effect back to your hair which adds glamour to your appearance. Shinning and a pleasant aroma of hair can impress the person. After washing the head with Arnica Montana shampoo, you feel more confident for your look. Arnica Montana is a European flower plant with yellow color capitula. Jaborandi and Calendula are also being used for successfully since centuries for hair care as well as for to cure other diseases. Still, major section of shampoo buyers knows only about the Arnica, that’s why, most shampoo manufacturers highlight the use of Arnica.

Bronchoherb Cough Syrup

Medical stores offer variety of cough syrups but cough syrup with Broncho herb has been proved effective in almost all kinds of coughs like dry cough, smoker’s cough and productive cough. Major gradients of Bronchoherb cough syrup are: Beer bahuti, Loban, Ipicac, Vasa and Amlavetas etc. It is equally effective for sore throat, wheezes with cough, sneezing, nasal discharge also. Generally results are noticed within 5-7 days. It is available in convenient packs of 100 ml & 180 ml.

Cineraria Maritima Euphrasia Eye Drops

Cataract is a common problem people suffer with in middle or old age. Long term exposure to ultraviolet, access to radiation, effects of long term diabetes and aging are the common causes of this eye disease. The effectiveness of Cineraria Maritima Euphrasia eye drops has been proved by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH-1997). Cineraria maritime, Isotonic solution of sodium chloride and Sodium methyl hydroxybenzoate are the major ingredients.

There is no shortage of duplicate or almost similar looking medicines in the market; therefore, it is must to buy all health care products from reputed and trustworthy sources only.

Are Homeopathic Tinnitus Remedies Useful?

When it comes to tinnitus, we all know that it is a very dire condition that you could be suffering from, especially if you are constantly in a place where you are exposed to a lot of noise. As such, it doesn’t matter what age you are, because tinnitus is not a picky condition. If you have a certain mix of diseases and conditions that you already deal with, tinnitus might come in between and make things even worse. Also, if there is a clogged or strained blood vessel in your ear, this could also be the cause for tinnitus and tinnitus related symptoms.

Yet, there are homeopathic treatments that you can use in order to cure tinnitus. These will deal not only with the cause of tinnitus, but also with other symptoms. Other diseases and conditions can also be alleviated: anemia, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and so forth.

However, many people are very skeptic of homeopathic treatments, saying that they are not really useful, but actually, when it comes to the secondary effects they have on the human body, there are none. The effectiveness of homeopathic tinnitus remedies will also differ and it depends from patient to patient. Usually, you will need to wait a few weeks in order to observe any changes at all.

There are also herbal alternatives that you could use and other methods such as acupuncture, massage sessions, reflexology and so forth. But, in order to be even more helpful, you will also need to clean your earwax out of your ear canals, as it has been deemed to be one of the root causes for tinnitus.

Remember, before doing anything that is not medically advised to you, you will need to check in with your doctor and see what he says about what you intend on doing.

Homeopathic Treatment For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a painful syndrome that can actually debilitate those who have it. This is why some of the people who must deal with it have gone in search of homeopathic treatment. Fortunately, they have been able to find some natural remedies that are able to help eliminate the syndrome’s painful symptoms. Today these all-natural treatment options are growing in popularity as their reputation also improves. The reason for this is that they are both safe and affordable. Of course, some of them do work better than others.

Affordable Homeopathic Remedies For Fibromyalgia.
A person’s life can be almost completely destroyed by a diagnosis of severe fibromyalgia. Not only can this interfere with their daily activities but it can have a negative psychological impact upon them as well. This is why it is so important to get a handle on the syndrome’s symptoms as soon as you can so that you can start making changes for the better as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are numerous homeopathic remedies available for fibromyalgia today. Some of the most commonly used remedies, that are considered to be both safe and effective, include:

• Arnica or Arnica Montana is oftentimes used whenever you feel bruising on your body.
• Byronia works well for those times that even the smallest bit of movement seems to cause you great pain. It may cause irritability, sensitivity or anger as side effects though.
• Rhus Toxicodendron is good for restless, stiffness and soreness.
• Ruta Graveolens is a homeopathic fibromyalgia remedy that is used whenever a person is suffering from severe stiffness in their muscles that is either debilitating them or, at the very least, making them feel really weak. This is especially great for your legs and hips as these areas tend to suffer the most making it really difficult to stand or sit sometimes.

In Conclusion

It is really important for a doctor to diagnose you with fibromyalgia, especially since there is no known cause for this syndrome. Therefore, it is important to rule out any other possible reasons that you may be in pain. Once you have sought medical attention and rule out any other possibilities you can begin using homeopathic, all-natural remedies to start treating your fibromyalgia. Hopefully in the end you will be able to join the many other people who have fibromyalgia and have found relief from their symptoms in this manner.


What is Homeopathy?
The term ‘homeopathy’ is derived from the Greek words homoios (similar) and pathos (suffering).The medical dictionary describes homeopathy as a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in healthy persons produce symptoms similar to those of the disease. In other words, homeopathy can be classified as a holistic system of medicine. This system of medicine is notable for its practice of prescribing water-based solutions that do not contain chemically active ingredients. The therapeutic principles of homeopathy were first recognized and applied by Saxon physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843) and first published in 1796.

Treating the Person not the Disease
While customary medicine system like allopathic typically tries to control, suppress or eliminate a patient’s physical symptom, ayurveda believes that all diseases originate due to derailment of the three humors of human life (Tridosha) -vaat, pitta and kaffa, homeopathy treatment practice is customized and individualized to the patient, with the intent of removing the underlying cause. The homeopathic system of treatment does not combat disease symptoms in the same manner as one would in conventional practice. Homeopathic philosophy considers that if the organism is brought back into balance, the symptoms of disease (imbalance) will resolve accordingly. Therefore, whereas a conventional diagnosis is based on a defined set of common symptoms, a homeopath practitioner tries to diagnose a broad and unique picture of imbalance specific to each individual.

Small Effective Doses
Homeopathic remedies are made from many substances, including plants (which account for about 60% of all homeopathic remedies), minerals and animal products. Preparation of a remedy normally involves crushing the original substance (e.g. plant material) and dissolving it in an exact solution of alcohol and/or distilled water. This mixture is then left to stand for anything up to several weeks, during which time it may be shaken (succussed) from time to time. This solution is known as the mother tincture. There are many different dosage forms in homeopathy: soft tablet triturates, compressed tablets, medicated pellets, dilutions and topicals (ointments, oils and sprays).

The Cure Palette
The scope of homeopathy is extensive. Homeopathy does not treat diseases per se. Homeopathy activates the body’s own healing processes in both the physical and emotional levels. The medication can be used in first aid safely to get relief from ailments like sprains and bruises, minor burns, skin irritations and reactions (including poison ivy, diaper rash and insect bites), teething pain, etc. Since homeopathy has no harmful side effects, the treatment is considered safe and placid even for acute health problems such as colds, flu, coughs, sprains, etc. It can also be used to assist sensitive conditions such as pregnancy. And it is not just first aid and acute treatments; homeopathy can be extremely effective in treating chronic and long-term health problems. Allergies, asthma, eczema, hay fever, headaches, stress and respiratory infections, recurrent ear infections, homeopathy can be effective in treating a host of physical disorders. However, while in acute conditions, with the right diagnose the results can be seen in minutes, in chronic conditions, homeopathic treatments show slower results. The gradual progress in homeopathy not only helps recovery of disease, it also offers a method of maintaining health and preventing illness. It is a subtle yet effective therapy that can correct small imbalances if a patient's vitality is low.

As a result of getting to the source, homeopathy can bring about remarkable improvements in your health and well-being. Homeopathy, like many natural medicines, is cost effective over the long time because it brings you to better health.

A quick guide to some common homeopathic medicines:

    * Aconite: Commonly known as monkshood, aconite is highly toxic. A non-toxic, diluted extract of aconite is used in homeopathy to treat symptoms similar to that of poison.
    * Arnica: Arnica is used by homeopathic physicians to treat bruises, sprains, and strains.
    * Belladonna: This is used in homeopathy to treat symptoms of dry mouth, nausea, delirium, etc.
    * Bryonia: Commonly known as wild hops, bryonia is used in homeopathy to treat vomiting, diarrhea, inflammation, etc.
    * Calcarea carbonica: Also known as calcium carbonate or calc carb, it is used in homeopathy to treat symptoms of exhaustion, depression, and anxiety.
    * Cantharis: Cantharis is used in homeopathy to treat conditions with symptoms of abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, etc.
    * Ferrum phosphoricum: Also known as ferrum phos or iron phosphate, it is used to treat symptoms of low energy and anemia.
    * Ignatia: The remedy Ignatia is most commonly used for emotional problems. Made from the seeds of Ignatia amara, which contain strychnine, it effects the nervous system.
    * Ipecac: This medicine is made from the dried root of the plant Ipecacuanha. Ipecac induces vomiting and causes gastrointestinal distress. Homeopaths prescribe it to treat similar symptoms.
    * Kali bichromicum: Commonly known as potassium bichromate, kali bichromicum is a poison used also in textile dyes, wood stain, etc. Homeopaths use it to treat localized pain.
    * Ledum: Also known as marsh tea, ledum is used to treat infections, most often from animal bites, stings, cuts, etc.
    * Lycopodium: Homepathic physicians use dilute doses of lycopodium for treating diarrhea, digestive upset, backaches, cold, etc.
    * Mercurius vivus: Also known as quicksilver, it is used to treat symptoms of sweats, shaking, nausea, etc.
    * Natrum muriaticum: Commonly known as salt, it is used to treat conditions that cause excessive thirst and salt cravings.
    * Nux vomica: It is used to treat symptoms caused by overeating and too much caffeine or alcohol.
    * Phosphorus: It is used to treat symptoms of excessive thirst, fatigue, and nervousness.
    * Pulsatilla: It is used to treat conditions that are accompanied by discharge, such as bedwetting, sinusitis, etc.
    * Rhus toxicodendron: Commonly known as poison ivy, homeopaths use it to treat conditions with symptoms of fever, swollen glands, and restlessness.
    * Ruta: It is used to treat conditions with bruising, such as tennis elbow, sciatica, etc.
    * Silica: Silica, sometimes called silicea terra is used by homeopaths to treat conditions that cause weakness, sweating, and sensitivity to cold.

Homeopathic Remedies for Acne

Acne is a skin disorder which plagues people of all ages. Yet, youth are the major victims of acne outbreaks. There are several causes of acne outbreaks, from hormonal imbalance to clogged pores. People suffering from acne try almost every possible remedy, from expensive dermatological treatments to simple home treatment for acne. However, not every treatment yields satisfactory results. Homeopathic remedies for acne is an upcoming trend and many people can vouch for the effectiveness of homeopathy in treating acne. Read more on best acne treatments.

Homeopathic Remedies for Acne

The principle of working of homeopathy is based on the symptoms and not the underlying diseases. This is because the same disease can take different form in different people. Thus, homeopathy relies on eliminating the disease by targeting its symptoms. Given below is the list of homeopathic remedies for acne. Read more on acne control.

Antimonium Tartaricum
Antimonium tartaricum is effective for large acne in the form of pustules. These pustules leave a reddish blue mark, when the infection subsides. The person is often left irritable and with a weakened immune system.

Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is mainly useful for curing acne that originates due to over secretion of sebum and accumulation of dirt and dead cells. Benzoyl peroxide has tremendous cleaning properties which clear the clogged pores and inhibit the growth of bacteria. This considerably reduces the outbreak of acne. Since benzoyl peroxide tends to dry up the skin, go for the benzoyl peroxide products with moisturizer.

Calcarea Carbonica
This homeopathic remedy is effective for people who, along with acne, also suffer from clammy hands and feet. These people are easily tired and are mostly overweight. These people are often anxious and tend to overwork. An excessive craving for sweets and eggs is also observed in these people.

Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum
People who are in need of this homeopathic remedy suffer from boil-like acne. Often, an offensive smelling pus formation results in these boils. These people are sensitive to any kind of cold and their skin is often tender to touch.

In people who benefit from pulsatilla, the cause of acne is eating fatty foods during an onset of puberty. Acne resulting due to fluctuations in menstrual cycle can also be cured with this remedy. People in need of pulsatilla are often fair skinned, with mood swings and a liking for fresh, open spaces.

Silica is beneficial for people who have deep seated acne and swollen lymph nodes. These people suffer from persistent nervousness and fatigue and also have a weak immune resistance. Acne in these people is difficult to heal and often leaves ugly scars behind, which refuse to vanish. Silica is one of the effective homeopathic remedies for acne scars. More on acne scar removal.

Sulfur is the most popular homeopathic remedy for acne. Itchy, inflamed eruptions or sores can be treated well using sulfur. These eruptions are very sensitive to heat and worsen upon scratching. People suffering from this form of acne tend to be unhygienic and give neatness a very low priority.

Homeopathic remedies for acne seem to work better in presence of certain home remedies. Following are the acne home remedies that can be combined with homeopathic remedies for better results. More on natural acne cures.

    * Apple cider vinegar cure for acne
    * Oatmeal mask
    * Aloe Vera treatment for acne
    * Honey and apple facial mask
    * Tea tree oil treatment for acne

Homeopathic remedies for acne are definitely effective but there is no scientific evidence to prove their effectiveness. Moreover, homeopathic remedies for acne do not induce any side effects. Homeopathic remedies along with home treatments is a sure shot way to acne free complexion.